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Worth Your Time...

Great advice for dealing with people in crisis. Important information for all of us in caring type of work and this article provides a great little tool to know what to say and to whom.

Rule one when considering people for service in one of our teams is our they sharing their faith where they are. It is easier to do on a mission trip, when you don't have to know the people for very long, than it is in real life.  Of course, it is not nearly as effective.  Check out this Matt Chandler post.

Excellent article on what Jesus meant when he said, "Judge not."  And what he did not mean.  Sam Storms says, "It would appear that Jesus is prohibiting the sort of judgmental criticism that is self-righteoushypercritical, and destructive. He is prohibiting the kind of judgment we pass on others not out of concern for their spiritual health and welfare but solely to parade our alleged righteousness before men."  He also says, "Jesus is not forbidding us from expressing our opinion on right and wrong, good and evil, truth and falsity, can be demonstrated by noting two factors: the immediate context and the rest of the New Testament teaching on judging."

Eric Metaxas has a book out called 7 Men and the Secret of Their Greatness.  This link is an excerpt from the section on George Washington.

Caring for those who cannot care for themselves.  "The world of men grinds children to dust..."


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