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What is Inconvenience Worth?

Email spam is costing me right now. I knew it was but had to count the cost to know exactly how much; so, I let it accumulate for 24 hours, downloaded it and “measured” the cost.

Email Received: 108
Good Email: 8
Spam: 100
Time to Download: 9 minutes (I know, my dial up is really bad)
Time to Download Spam 8 min., 20 sec.
Annual Time Downloading Spam: 3,041 min., 40 sec. or 50 hrs., 41 min., 40 sec.
Cost/minute for local phone call 7 cents per minute(yes, we have to pay when we dial up on the internet)
Estimated cost to Download Spam $212.92
Monthly cost $17.75

Now, this only takes into account my email. Elise is receiving the same amount. So, it would be fair to double the figures above. Let’s round down and say the cost of spam is $35 per month. Also, I am not trying to figure out how much my time is worth to manage the spam. This would be hard to do as some would probably greatly undervalue my hourly worth.

Taking the two minutes it took to figure this out has forced me to ask some questions about email. First, is communication worth the cost of $35 per month worth of spam. The answer: ABSOLUTELY YES! Communicating with my family, my organization, and you is worth a high cost to me.

Would I love to cut the cost of spam to zero? Of course, but that is never going to be the reality of life in this world. Maybe I can upgrade my internet speed someday (not possible now for a variety of reasons) and maybe my email server will get better spam filters. Who knows? I do know that communication is worth it.

It also caused me to think of other “inconveniences” that are worth a high cost. Helping new believers become disciples seems to be very inconvenient. We are working with a friend whose choices boggle the mind. They are their own worst enemy. Sometimes we get frustrated and wonder if the cost is worth it. The answer: ABSOLUTELY YES! I am so thankful for the people who never gave up on me. I did not earn their patience and long suffering but they continued to invest in me and see potential even when none was visible.

Sharing your faith with people can sometimes be a real bummer. Getting laughed at or ridiculed is never enjoyable. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY YES! Often times those moments are the first time a person hears of God’s love for them. Fruit may not be seen for a long time but it is a step in the right direction.

It is easy to get frustrated when we sense our time or energy is being wasted. I certainly get frustrated with spam. I am learning to count the cost. When I evaluate the spam by the standard of communication, it is worth it and I become much more patient and wise. I even use that “lost” time to get other things done.

When I evaluate the “inconveniences” of disciple making and evangelism by God’s love for people, I also grow much more patient and wise. I am able to accept others where they at and work with them on that basis because that is how God and other believers have dealt with me.

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for the insights, encouragement, and wisdom!

BTW, to save some time with SPAM, log on to the web based email first, delete all the spam and then download your email into Outlook or your email program. This might help some.

Grace and Peace!

October 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMarc

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